Thank you to all who participated, volunteered and joined us at the TWO 2024 Girl Power Camps in Palmyra, VA and Salisbury, MD.
Connecting more women with the energy industry has been an industry-wide goal over the past few years. One particular area of focus is centered around line work. While we continue to see more women take on roles in the field, attracting them to the responsibilities and teamwork of a line crew remains a challenge. These types of operations roles can often lead to a variety of leadership opportunities within an organization.
WTVR- Richmond
The Cooperative Advantage – NRECA
The electric cooperatives of Virginia, Maryland & Delaware will again host two, one-day energy career experiences for high school girls interested or curious about working on a line crew, in a substation, with advanced metering technology or as a fiber broadband technician. Instructors will lead students through various activities in the classroom and outdoors at Palmyra, Va., and, new this year, Salisbury, Md.
Campers will learn about safety on the job, including how to safely climb a utility pole and operate a bucket truck. Students will also individually meet with industry human resources professionals to review their resumes and discuss interviewing best practices.
Other representatives will be available to answer questions about career paths and workplace culture.
Check back here for information on the
2025 Girl Power Camps
Questions? Send them to [email protected].