Lineworkers and Repairers: On the Front Lines
Editor’s note: A 10th-grader at Appalachian Christian School, Ashlynn wrote the winning essay in our Powerful Careers essay contest, where we asked students to highlight the role of a particular occupation in the electric utility field. Her essay follows:
Hi, my name is Ashlynn and here is a question for you to think about: Why are lineworkers and line repairers important? Lineworkers are important because they are putting themselves in a dangerous position to make sure we have electricity and power. They are also the people who try their hardest to make sure that we have power as soon as possible when it snows or rains and our power goes out. I am going to talk about why this job is important, what it entails, why it matters and how it relates to the energy business.
So, what exactly do lineworkers and repairers do and what does it entail? Lineworkers and repairers install and repair electrical power systems and cables, including fiber optics. Lineworkers typically maintain and install power lines that ensure electricity. Our lineworkers go around and inspect our power lines and auxiliary equipment. Our repairers string power lines between poles, towers and buildings. Some of the dangerous parts of their job are climbing the poles and transmission towers. The most dangerous part is actually messing with the power lines. Of course, they cut the power before they mess with them but sometimes that does not always go as planned.
Why does this career matter and how does it relate to the energy business? Well, without our lineworkers, we would not have power and no one to fix our power lines.
Our lineworkers are also putting themselves out in the cold, snow, rain, hail and ice to fix our lines. If that’s not something that we should be thankful for, and why this job matters, then I don’t know what should. Our lineworkers also come from all over the state to help us. This job is very important because without our electricity, we would not have our A/C, refrigerator, oven, microwaves, TVs and internet. Without these things, I don’t really think that we would survive. We also would not have water for showers or to use in the bathrooms. So, if you think about it, this job is very important.
Now, why it relates to the energy business. Well, it deals with something that takes place everywhere and something that is used every day, 24/7. This relates to the energy business because we rely on them to make sure that we have the utilities to make our food, wash our clothes and use the bathroom. Without them, we would have nothing. This business is very important and should be respected.
In conclusion, our lineworkers are very important people who deserve our respect. They are the people that we rely on for almost everything. Without them, we would have nothing to live for, no food and no water. This job is also very dangerous. They are putting themselves in dangerous situations everyday, so that we have energy. They are probably the most needed people on Earth, and I believe that we should all write a letter to a lineworker and tell them how thankful we are for them. Thank you for giving me this wonderful chance to write this essay.
- 1st prize – a $100 gift card and your essay will be reprinted in the November/December 2021 issue of Cooperative Living.
- 2nd prize – a $50 gift card.
- 3rd prize – a $25 gift card.
#PowerfulCareers Essay Contest
Hey, students — let the more than 1.2 million readers of Cooperative Living know what you’ve learned about the value of careers in energy. Our #PowerfulCareers campaign is sponsoring an essay contest to explore and explain why energy-related professions are important. It’s open to schoolchildren whose parents or guardians are members of electric cooperatives or subscribers to Cooperative Living magazine.
- Essays will be accepted starting March 1 and ending Sept. 1 through our submission form at vmdaec.com/powerfulcareers. No mail-ins will be accepted.
- Essays should focus on one career opportunity in the energy field. Explain what the job is, what it entails, why it matters and how it relates to the energy business.
- Be imaginative in your research! Reach out to your local electric cooperative. Use trusted sources like the Center for Energy Workforce, the U.S. Department of Energy, and major print or magazine media. (Wikipedia is not a source!)
- We have two categories: grades 7-9 should submit essays of 500 to 750 words. Grades 10 and above should submit essays of 800-1,200 words.
- Essays will be judged by the staff of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives based on originality, grammar, creativity and understanding of the subject matter.
Powerful Careers Essay Contest
All essays must be original and must not have been published anywhere else. All information from entrants will be held in strict confidence and will be used for any other purpose.
Direct questions to [email protected].