Late last month, members of the A&N Electric Cooperative Board of Directors and some staff members toured Wildcat Point, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative’s combined-cycle generation facility in Rising Sun, Md.
The tour gave directors an opportunity to see the facility firsthand and learn about the different types of generation facilities that are a part of Old Dominion Electric Cooperative’s portfolio.
They also learned about the capabilities of each facility and why each is needed for different energy demand scenarios.
To provide clean, reliable power at the lowest possible cost, ODEC built Wildcat Point, a combined-cycle, natural gas power plant in Cecil County, Maryland.
Wildcat Point is one of the cleanest natural gas facilities of its size in Maryland.
- Wildcat Point generates 980 megawatts.
- That is enough to power 390,000 homes in the region annually.
- Wildcat Point is located approximately 5.5 miles from the Town of Rising Sun, Md., and 19 miles from Elkton.
–Report by Jay Diem, Coordinator, Communications and Public Relations, A&N Electric Cooperative.