Your Government Affairs team invites you to register for the 2023 Legislative Day in Richmond. Legislative Day will be held on Jan. 23-24 at the Hilton Downtown Hotel. This year’s event will feature the return of a legislative reception for co-op representatives and...
SRS Instructor Jason Taylor assists REC First Class Serviceman Bradley Wheeler.
An initiative started at Rappahannock Electric Cooperative prior to the pandemic has resulted in nearly 70 trained and/or soon-to-be unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) operators. Thanks to training provided by Sentinel Robotic Solutions, REC personnel in the Substation,...
Earlier this month, more than 50 representatives from 10 electric co-ops attended a seminar provided by Utility Training Services Inc. regarding updates to the National Electrical Safety Code. The Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives...
As federal funding opportunities dramatically increase for new electric vehicle infrastructure, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative is committed to ensuring rural Virginia is not left behind. Today, more than 4,500 EVs are on the roads in the Greater Richmond region. If...
Preview the new Fiber Technician Apprenticeship Program offered by the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives and S&N Communications at an informational meeting on Dec. 2 at the Association’s training facility in Palmyra, Va. An...