Betsy Evenson, Bulwark FR Protection
BARC Electric Cooperative employees received a valuable presentation reinforcing that the safety measures one takes, start at home.
Betsy Evenson with Bulwark FR Protection presented at BARC’s safety meeting in October to further educate lineworkers, fiber technicians and operators on the importance and benefits of flame-resistant personal protection equipment and clothing. One BARC employee says “This training provided the information necessary to safely — and within specifications — launder and care for our FR garments. Betsy’s training was an educational opportunity for cooperatives with any FR program, rental or purchase, and meets training requirements of 29 CFR 1926.95(a) on laundering. Our linemen also enjoyed the opportunity to see samples of new FR clothing options.”
BARC employees learned the importance of what to look for in labels, best practices to follow — even before leaving your home — and safety measures to take both on and off job sites. The conversation focused on properly wearing and caring for garments. Evenson stressed the importance of regularly inspecting garments and always tucking in shirts. The BARC team also had the opportunity to check out new options in flame-resistant workwear.
“The training on FR clothing was a good refresher on the proper use and care of our PPE,” says BARC lineworker Shay McMullen. “I appreciate her taking the time to stress the importance of how to properly wear our FR, and how that directly relates to the amount of protection it provides in the case of an arc/thermal event.”
–Report by Amanda Cunningham, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, BARC Electric Cooperative.