Looking out for their members best interests, Virginia electric cooperative leaders and directors gathered in Richmond to visit with elected officials about proposed legislation on Jan. 22. Day 1 started with a Government Affairs Committee discussion about electric...
Betsy Evenson, Bulwark FR Protection
Committed to improving quality of life with a quality education, electric cooperatives in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware will begin accepting applications for their scholarship program on Feb. 1 from high school seniors who intend to pursue higher education or trade...
Betsy Evenson, Bulwark FR Protection
BARC Electric Cooperative employees received a valuable presentation reinforcing that the safety measures one takes, start at home. Betsy Evenson with Bulwark FR Protection presented at BARC’s safety meeting in October to further educate lineworkers, fiber...
Sassan Parandeh with ChildFund International discusses cybersecurity.
More than 65 finance and accounting professionals from VMDAEC member cooperatives gathered at the Virginia Crossings in late November for the annual CRAFT Conference. CRAFT stands for Cooperative | Regulatory | Accounting | ...