Approximately 40 members and guests gathered on a warm but beautiful afternoon for the Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting of the Members on June 19 in Chase City. After a treat of buttered popcorn and sugar cookies, cooperative leaders updated members on...
20th Gaff-n-Go Rodeo soggy but successful A little rain did not prevent more than 300 linemen from 11 states from competing in the 20th annual Gaff-n-Go Rodeo last month. The two-day event, held at Meadow Event Park in Doswell, Va., finished with local co-ops taking...
EMPOWER contract crews installing vaults along the fiber route.
EMPOWER Broadband Inc. recently reached yet another significant milestone, connecting its 1,000th customer in Halifax County to high-speed broadband service utilizing fiber-optic technology. The telecommunications company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mecklenburg...
Attorney Parker Thoeni discusses regulations regarding marijuana use.
More than 30 human resources professionals gathered around the table Feb. 7-8 in Glen Allen for discussion on a variety of industry topics. The annual HR Roundtable, hosted by the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, provides an...
Instructor Kevin Sump leads directors in a full day of training and development.
The new year came in like a lion, with an eventful January. Closing out the month was the winter version of the co-op director training known as the Winter RoundUp. Hosted at the VMDAEC headquarters in Glen Allen, 16 directors from eight member co-ops gathered for a...