James Patrick Guy II of Saxe,Va., has been tapped by the Southern Chapter of the Energy Bar Association as its president-elect for the 2023-24 bar year and will serve

James Patrick Guy II
as its president in 2024-25. He previously served as Southern Chapter president in 2010-11 and is its current vice president.
“I am honored by the confidence placed in me by the Southern Chapter of the EBA to serve again in these leadership roles,” says Guy. “There are many important and ongoing concerns facing the energy industry, such as reliability of the generation fleet, the role of renewables, and the practical financial impacts of principled policy initiatives on consumers. I relish the opportunity to enhance collegial collaboration among the preeminent energy lawyers representing all aspects of the industry across the southern United States.”
Guy is general counsel to Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative and its affiliates, EMPOWER Broadband Inc. and EMPOWER Telecom Inc.
“Jim will do an excellent job for the southern region. His career in the electric cooperative industry has prepared him well to very capably meet the mission and responsibilities laid out for this entity,” says MEC President and CEO John Lee. “His body of work and his leadership carry on a strong cooperative legacy of employees giving back by serving in meaningful roles wherever they can make a difference.”
Guy was also appointed to the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board by Gov. Glenn Youngkin in 2022 and currently serves as its board chairman. He served as the 128th president of the Virginia Bar Association and was a partner at Williams Mullen Law in Richmond prior to joining Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative in 2020.
The Energy Bar Association is an international, nonprofit association of attorneys, energy professionals and students active in all areas of energy law. EBA has seven regional chapters across the U.S. and one in Canada. The Southern Chapter comprises the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.
–Report by Dolores Cabaniss, Public Relations Specialist, Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative.