The Unsung Virginian Award recognizes a Virginian who has done great philanthropic work with no public praise or recognition.
Recipients of the Unsung Virginian Award are chosen by an awards committee of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives. This committee is made up of members of the boards of directors of VMDAEC’s 15 member cooperatives. Recipients will be recognized in their communities. Nominees must be residents of Virginia.

The Good Samaritan Award is intended to honor individuals who have provided exceptional service to others, either within the context of their chosen profession or as a passion they have chosen to pursue.
While they may have already been recognized, their service constitutes a body of good works so extraordinary that it is being held up to others as a “gold standard” example of philanthropic community service. This award is open to all individuals who have provided such service to communities in Virginia, Maryland or Delaware. Additionally, nominations for this award will be sought on an annual basis by the Awards Committee of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, but this award will not necessarily be given out on an annual basis.
Recipients will be recognized in their communities. Nominees must be residents of Virginia, Maryland or Delaware.

The Distinguished Friend of the Electric Cooperatives Award, established in 2004, was created as a way to honor legislators and regulators in the three-state region who have been vigilant in protecting the interests of electric cooperative consumers. Nominees should be recommended primarily for statewide efforts although regional or national activities may be included. The award will not necessarily be given each year, but will be reserved for legislators or regulators who, in the committee’s view, embody the guiding principles