2023 NESC Update Seminar
for Distribution Utilities
November 11, 2022
8:00 – 4:00
VMD Training Center
1293 Salem Church Road
Palmyra, Virginia 22963
Who Should Attend?
This program is beneficial to Staking/Field Technicians, Distribution Line Workers, Designers, Engineers, Utility Managers, Engineering Managers, System Engineers, Operations Managers, Safety Managers, Communication Line Workers, Electric Utility Contractors, and Line Inspection Personnel
With each new update, the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) brings in new changes that affect many departments in your utility. Learning these changes is imperative to maintaining and operating a safe utility system, in turn, improving system reliability. Utility Training Services presents this NESC update seminar to address multi-functional groups across the entire utility and provides a forum to discuss all the important code issues from safety, to design, to construction. Seminar guide and lunch will be provided.
A copy of the 2023 NESC is not required nor is it provided for attendees in this seminar. However, if you would like to bring one, the 2023 NESC will be available August 1, 2022, and may be purchased from IEEE (http://www.ieee.com).
Pre-requisite: Attendees should possess a basic understanding of distribution power systems.
Hours: 7 CEUs: .7 (PDHs: 7)

Mickey Gunter is a graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology and retired Georgia Power Company engineer, with over 40 years of distribution construction and engineering design, standards and training experience. With more than 20 years direct involvement with the NESC ANSI C-2 Committee, Mickey has become an industry expert on NESC rules and interpretations. He serves on numerous NESC Technical Sub-committees responsible for writing NESC rules, and serves on the NESC Interpretations Committee, as well.

Registration Fees
- VMDAEC Cooperative and Associate Members: $475
- Non-members: $500
- Seminar guide and lunch are included
- Co-ops/companies will be responsible for fees based on the figures in hand on October 31st.