Virginia 811 announces proactive measures to adapt to the upcoming law changes in the Damage Prevention Act scheduled to take effect July 1, 2023. The Virginia General Assembly passed the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act in 1979 to define stakeholders’...
Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative recently hosted a hot dog lunch to reward the highest achievers in the Accelerated Reader program at Chase City Elementary School. John C. Lee Jr., MEC president and CEO, addressed the approximately 100 students in attendance,...
NNEC members elected three of their peers to serve on the NNEC Board of Directors. This year’s election occurred at the co-op’s 86th Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 25. More than 1,000 members participated virtually and voted by returning their proxy designation...
John C. Lee, Jr., president and CEO of Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative, was recognized for his leadership and guidance at the 19th annual Gaff-n-Go Rodeo, held May 19-20 at Meadow Event Park in Doswell. The event is hosted each year by the Virginia, Maryland...
On May 11, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s office announced the Southside Planning District Commission (SPDC) and its internet partner, EMPOWER Broadband, were awarded $8.5 million to expand its fiber network and services to an additional 4,804 addresses in portions of...
More than 200 compete at annual lineworker rodeo in Virginia Journeyman teams and individual apprentices from electric cooperatives, investor-owned and municipal utilities, contractors and the U.S. Army demonstrated their skills and knowledge while competing for...