Longtime Delaware Electric Cooperative President and CEO Bill Andrew has received top honors from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association for his groundbreaking leadership in establishing the Beat the Peak program that has caught on nationwide.

Bill Andrew (Photo By: Sander Photography)
Andrew, who retired in 2021 after serving as CEO since 2005, received the association’s President’s Award, which recognizes individuals and co-ops that have made outstanding leadership contributions to rural electrification and to the nation, their states or communities. The award was announced March 9 at the NRECA annual meeting in Nashville, though Andrew was not there to accept in person.
“Bill set Delaware Electric’s vision during his 16-year tenure as CEO, dramatically transforming the co-op and spurring innovation that has benefited co-ops across the nation,” said NRECA President Chris Christensen of Montana. “He has been a tireless advocate for the electric cooperative movement, sparing no effort to help members understand what it means to be part of a co-op.”
Under Beat the Peak, alerts go out to members, urging them to cut back on electricity use at peak times. NRECA said load management alert system has been adopted by co-ops throughout the country.
In a statement, Andrew, long considered an innovator in the co-op world, said, “I would like to offer a special thanks to the employees of Delaware Electric Cooperative for believing that we would make a difference, the board of directors for allowing us to be innovative, and the cooperative family for adopting our ideas.”
—Report by Steven Johnson, Vice President, Communications, VMD Association