National OnDemand, contractors for EMPOWER Broadband, connect a new customer.
by Staff Reports | Jan 8, 2024 | Connections
EMPOWER Broadband, Inc. recently reached a significant milestone, connecting its 5,000th customer to high-speed broadband service utilizing fiber-optic technology. The telecommunications company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative (MEC),...
President and CEO Dave Schleicher speaks about the state of the Co-op and what lies ahead for the organization.
by VMDAEC | Nov 2, 2023 | Connections
Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative members heard from co-op leaders at the NOVEC Annual Meeting on Sept. 13, and they reelected Brent George to a third term as director for District 2. Wade House, chairman of NOVEC’s board of directors, spoke to the more than 50...
by vmdaec-tommy | Oct 6, 2023 | Connections , Uncategorized
CVEC held its 86th Annual Meeting at the Headquarters location on September 20, marking the first time the Cooperative has held the annual meeting at one of its offices. Members attended both in-person and via live stream to hear about the Cooperative’s challenges and...
EMPOWER plows ahead with its expansion project, which now includes 3,500 miles of line being installed over the next 3 1/2 years.
by vmdaec-tommy | May 25, 2023 | Connections
On May 11, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s office announced the Southside Planning District Commission (SPDC) and its internet partner, EMPOWER Broadband, were awarded $8.5 million to expand its fiber network and services to an additional 4,804 addresses in portions of...
Photo: From left, Andy Gibson, vice president of design and fiber services, S&N Communications; Owen Dean, Empower Broadband; David Hamilton, BARC Connects; Caleb Cooper, Firefly Fiber Broadband; Blake Barry and Blake Jarrett, RURALBAND; and Joe Phillips, fiber services project manager S&N Communications.
by vmdaec-tommy | May 2, 2023 | Connections
Statewide association celebrates graduation of first Fiber Technician Apprenticeship Program On April 21, five young men proudly accepted certificates of completion on their final day of the inaugural class of the Fiber Technician Apprenticeship Program, a joint...