20th Gaff-n-Go Rodeo soggy but successful A little rain did not prevent more than 300 linemen from 11 states from competing in the 20th annual Gaff-n-Go Rodeo last month. The two-day event, held at Meadow Event Park in Doswell, Va., finished with local co-ops taking...
Attorney Parker Thoeni discusses regulations regarding marijuana use.
More than 30 human resources professionals gathered around the table Feb. 7-8 in Glen Allen for discussion on a variety of industry topics. The annual HR Roundtable, hosted by the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, provides an...
Instructor Kevin Sump leads directors in a full day of training and development.
Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative members heard from co-op leaders at the NOVEC Annual Meeting on Sept. 13, and they reelected Brent George to a third term as director for District 2. Wade House, chairman of NOVEC’s board of directors, spoke to the more than 50...