Rappahannock Electric Cooperative was one of seven businesses to receive an “All-Star” award for their 2021 workplace campaign from the Rappahannock United Way. For the 2021 REC Workplace Campaign, between payroll deductions and special prize drawings, employees from...
Storms ripped trees from the ground in Warrenton. (Photo Courtesy: REC)
High winds and heavy rains struck Virginia on June 22, putting at least 20,000 cooperative members out of power. With the help of mutual aid crews, most power was restored quickly, though the nature of the scattered outages left some without electricity for a day or...
Youth Tour participants gather before meeting with state legislators.
For the past 90 years, the North Carolina Electric Meter School and Conference has attracted meter personnel from the electric utility industry to present information on common problems, standard practices, procedures and new technologies. VMD Association instructors...