Each year Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative honors its employees with an annual Employee Appreciation Day event. The team is gathered to review company achievements, and additionally, employees are recognized for years of service milestones.
by Staff Reports | Feb 27, 2023 | Connections
Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative was recently named a 2022 Best-in-Class Employer by Gallagher for its strong efforts to continuously improve employee and organizational well-being. MEC scored in the top quartile of midsize employers (100-999 full-time...
An S&N Communications crew works on the Firefly Fiber Broadband system in central Virginia. Photo by Jim Robertson.
by VMDAEC | Oct 21, 2022 | Connections , Connections Archive
S&N Communications and VMDAEC are the latest to offer fiber technician training course The Fiber Broadband Association recently announced that S&N Communications and the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric...