In late July, the board of directors of Old Dominion Electric Cooperative, one of the nation’s largest and most successful generation-and-transmission cooperatives, elected new officers at its annual meeting held in Leesburg, Va. ODEC is owned by and provides...
Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative held its 85th Annual Meeting June 21 to conduct official cooperative business. Board Secretary-Treasurer Donald Moore reported the Cooperative remains fiscally strong, with operating revenues of $94.9 million across all...
In June, 36 students followed an electric cooperative tradition of more than 60 years and traveled to the nation’s capital for a week of education, entertainment and engagement with teens from across the U.S. After two years of alternate locations, VMDAEC staff were...
Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative recently hosted a hot dog lunch to reward the highest achievers in the Accelerated Reader program at Chase City Elementary School. John C. Lee Jr., MEC president and CEO, addressed the approximately 100 students in attendance,...
John C. Lee, Jr., president and CEO of Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative, was recognized for his leadership and guidance at the 19th annual Gaff-n-Go Rodeo, held May 19-20 at Meadow Event Park in Doswell. The event is hosted each year by the Virginia, Maryland...