20th Gaff-n-Go Rodeo soggy but successful A little rain did not prevent more than 300 linemen from 11 states from competing in the 20th annual Gaff-n-Go Rodeo last month. The two-day event, held at Meadow Event Park in Doswell, Va., finished with local co-ops taking...
Attorney Parker Thoeni discusses regulations regarding marijuana use.
More than 30 human resources professionals gathered around the table Feb. 7-8 in Glen Allen for discussion on a variety of industry topics. The annual HR Roundtable, hosted by the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, provides an...
Instructor Kevin Sump leads directors in a full day of training and development.
Lineworker pre-apprenticeship enhances Eastern Shore workforce On Dec. 20, seven future Eastern Shore utility lineworkers celebrated the completion of their 13-week journey through the newly created lineworker pre-apprenticeship program. Thanks to collaborative...
It’s not every day we get to celebrate exceptional talent and dedication. This week, however, was one of those rare moments when we had the honor of acknowledging an individual who has made significant contributions to our organization and the larger community....